Yesterday was Good Friday. My mom took our boys for the day so it was a very good Friday indeed (don't get me wrong, we love our kids, but sometimes a date day is in order). Jason and I got to sleep in, go out for coffee, go for a long walk, and then do exciting things like grocery shopping and installing a bathroom vanity (for that "simple" bathroom renovation we started three months ago).
At the end of our walk yesterday, Jason and I found ourselves in an old cemetery - seriously, some of the tombstones dated back to the early 1800s. As we read the names and tried to make out the deteriorating dates, I found myself wondering what it will be like 100+ years from now, when we're gone and most likely forgotten. It certainly put the petty worries and annoyances of day to day life in perspective.
Where did you find yourself this Good Friday? Perhaps, like us, the end of your day included church, being reminded of Christ's death on the cross. Or maybe it found you on the couch with Chinese take-out after a very long week... no judgement here. But reflecting on the perspective of those who lived out that first Good Friday alongside Jesus, it certainly must have seemed anything but good. Torture, suffering, mocking, pain, death - what good was there in that? I can only imagine the hopelessness they must have felt when their friend, teacher, Messiah was taken off the cross and sealed away in the tomb. Little did they realize everything would change just two days later. Little did they know Easter was coming and with it hope and new life.
Easter is a time of celebration, but before Easter, there was mourning and waiting. Where did this Good Friday find you? In a not-so-good-spot, or a sweet-spot, or somewhere in between? No matter where, I pray you can look ahead with anticipation for good and hope for what lies ahead.
Easter is right around the corner.
"He is not here, He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay." (Matthew 28:6)
Easter blessings to you and your's!
- Kari |